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How to Onboard New Clients without the Overwhelm!

Onboarding your clients is one of the most important things when it comes to client interaction and experience. First impressions count in all situations and it’s even more important in business because it can distinguish what can be a referral worthy service and a-okay experience not worth remembering.

The onboarding stage is vital as it can set the scene between you and your clients. It’s the stage where you set boundaries, your communication and obtain information and access as required.

One thing I don’t like it back and forth emails it just makes everything twice as long and you spend so much time waiting for the other person to respond.

Having an onboarding process also saves you so much time.

You can watch my Youtube video giving you onboarding tips below.

Here’s how I onboard my clients:

Once a contract has been signed and invoice paid the onboarding process starts.

A welcome email is sent with a link to an onboarding video which includes how we’ll work together.

In the video, I include things such as setting boundaries, communication plan and how to book an appointment with me.

I also go through the 2 main systems clients need to know about and that’s the clients portal and project portal. The video on the portals shows a quick walkthrough on how to access their portals and how to use it. This helps with document sharing and more.

I create small short videos on each section of my onboarding


- Welcome

- Client Portal

- Project Portal

- Password Manager

By breaking the videos down makes it easier for clients to go through and reduce overwhelm.

At the end of the onboarding videos, the client must complete a new stater form which will then give them access to booking their first session with me.

Here’s a quick pro-tip: - Create a secret password on client starter form

Having a secret password means that they have to go through the onboarding videos before they can complete the new starter form and book a call with me. This prevents them from just skipping the videos.

That's it.

Check out the tools mentioned in the video

*Note some links are affiliate links.

Why not grab a copy of my business toolkit for a list of tools to help you in your business.

By Phebi King

Online Systems Strategist

Need Help building systems into your business book a FREE consult with me here

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